Patriotism Box


Click here to see an unboxing!

Teach your kids that it is a virtue to be proud to be American, and that they should show off their pride whenever they have the chance! A concrete lesson in loyalty and patriotism and finding the best in others and in our country!

Availability: 18 in stock

A Young Patriot’s Unboxing Video! (Thanks for sending in, Beau!)

Teach your kids to be loud and proud about being a youth in America! A simple lesson on being a patriot and finding the best in our country so we can move forward with Truth-seeking, confident leaders of tomorrow! This box will squash the victim mentality, and instead inspire kids to emphasize the positive and combat the negative media. The intellectual activity in this box will serve as a launchpad for incredible discussions with a parent or grandparent. Often the first box purchased by those gifting our boxes to a child in their life, there are lots of great things in here to set a kid up to be an overnight patriot! Help us Pass Down Patriotism!


Lesson booklet on Patriotism

Patriotic Socks (make in America!!)

3 Index Cards with fun facts about The Liberty Bell, The Bald Eagle and The Statue of Liberty

The Pledge of Allegiance with a small flag.

A bookmark with the lyrics to the Star Spangled Banner

A 3” patriotic sticker

A Patriotic pin

A reversible wristband

Acrostic Poem “AMERICA” activity

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Kids AMERICANPatriotism Box

Availability: 18 in stock